Synchronicity and Introducing Spirit Cafe Podcast!
Have you ever had one of those moments where something feels different? Something inside of you says, “Pay attention! This is going to impact your life!” I have them now and again. Most often I’ve had it just before meeting a person who makes a monumental impact in my life - I become aware of them and there’s this tingling knowing that occurs.
About 4 years ago, I had one of those moments. I was attending a corporate event with the company that I worked for and they brought in a motivational speaker. I’ve seen a few of those, you know? Heck, I am one of those! And this one was different. He brought a whip. He said words that I can’t recall, but that saying is true… I remember how he made me feel. I felt uplifted, inspired, and excited. I wanted to be doing what he was doing! Well, maybe without the whip.
Fates aligned and I ended up in a small breakout group that he was leading. I was thrilled; I didn’t know much about him, but I knew that he was an accomplished and gifted speaker and I wasn’t going to miss the chance to introduce myself to John Davis, Corporate Action Hero! John recently shared his recollections of our meeting on his podcast, Inner Action Hero, with one of the nicest introductions that I’ve ever had!
Fast forward several years and suddenly there’s a message from John in my LinkedIn inbox. Would I like to be a guest on his podcast series? Of course! The conversation was so much fun that we did it twice! And we both wanted more. Authentic, invigorating conversations can be hard to come by, especially within the area of spirituality. When we discovered that we’re both what we call “recovered Catholics,” we knew there was more to discover. So, when John suggested that we do our own podcast, I jumped at the opportunity, even though I felt nowhere near ready to delve into the podcast arena!
Take that leap!