Your Monday Minute - Feelings Want to be Felt!

Do you ever find yourself judging your feelings as bad or wrong? Like you shouldn't be feeling how you're feeling even though that is what you are feeling? Does that sound futile to you? Me too. 

Byron Katie says, "When I argue with reality, I lose, and only 100% of the time." With that in mind, watch today's episode and then read on! 

Our feelings are natural byproducts of our thoughts. Try to release your judgement of whether your feeling is good or bad and allow yourself to simply be aware of your feelings and actually feel them. Notice what happens. 

There is a wonderful, quick and easy read in the form of an e-book called From Sad to Glad. I encourage you to read it virtual cover to virtual cover. It teaches you how contraction and expansion are a natural part of life and how to gently move through it.

It is everywhere in nature from the flower that opens (expands) during the day and closes (contracts) at night, to Mother Earth expanding in Spring and Summer and contracting through Autumn and Winter. It's how we're made. It is our nature to contract and expand. 

I hope you're feeling good and loving yourself today! If not, that's ok. I love you and I'll see you next week! 

Your Monday Minute - Self Love in 3 Simple Steps

Love, self-love, is my religion

Love, self-love, is my religion

Your level of success in life stems entirely from your level of self-love. "Success" is a word that is completely objective, by the way. To me, a successful life is where you feel good most of the time, you are happy and experiencing love, joy, fulfillment and an overall sense of well-being. 

Many of us settle for happiness in one area of our lives at the cost of another - a successful career at the expense of a happy home-life or vice-versa. When you practice self-love, success naturally follows in all areas of your life because you don't even know how to settle for less. 

This doesn't mean you won't hit bumps in the road of life, but with a deep sense of love for yourself, you'll recover from them faster and more easily. 

Because we've been conditioned to believe that loving ourselves is narcissistic and selfish, many of us don't even know how to do it. But don't worry, I'm here to help. Find out the 3 keys to beginning your practice of self-love in today's Your Monday Minute! 

Self-love is the pillar to a successful life, so why is it that so many of us don't know how to do it? Start your self-love practice with three easy steps!