Why Calm Matters - The Time Stress Broke My Brain

Did you know that high levels of stress actually damage brain cells? True story.

I remember a time when I was still married and living in the UK. I was intensely stressed. In an emotionally abusive marriage with a high-functioning alcoholic, looking like we were living “the” life, but living beyond our means in one of the most expensive places in the world. Sometimes the money ran out. All the way out.

One week, I had budgeted, made my list of essentials, and was doing the shopping with my 3 babes in tow. They were like young kids are, excitable and sometimes loud. It’s a challenge to keep 3 littles wrangled in a grocery store! 😵‍💫

My stress was palpable, but I was keeping my cool with them… I can’t remember if I’d started my no-yelling challenge yet, or not.

🔥I remember the heat rising in my body as I carefully calculated how much the necessities would add up to and the hard decisions between what I’d buy and what I’d have to cope through as I disappointed my kids with every “no, not this time.”

Finally, we got up to the register. One of them was probably crying; I know I was near tears from the bitter disappointment of my life.

In the UK, at least at the time, you inserted your chip card and you had to use a pin - there was no bypassing it.

😳 Suddenly, I stared at that pin pad, but no matter how hard I tried, I could not recall my pin number. It just wouldn’t come. I tried a few times, guessing, but the number just wasn’t there for me. My brain would not do its job.

Embarrassed, angry, and with 3 hungry and confused kids, I apologized to the cashier and the people behind me and left my groceries behind.

As I got my children settled into the car, an unbearable heaviness filled me. I sat in the car and cried and cried. Stress had broken my brain.

Can you relate?

It’s vital to our physical and mental health that we incorporate tools and techniques to help us calm ourselves down. Not just in one stressful moment, but regularly, so that our nervous system recognizes safety in calm and welcomes peace in the body.

At tomorrow's Radiant Happiness: 3 Keys to Cultivate Clarity, Confidence, & Calm - A Free Masterclass we'll be practicing my favorite, free tool to move our bodies and minds from chaos to calm in just minutes. It's something that you'll get to take with you and utilize anytime anyplace and it's yours to keep. ✨

You still have time to register and join the 40 beautiful souls who are ready to take their first steps toward Radiant Happiness. ❤

#radianthappiness #masterclass #stress #calm #ease #wellbeing #peace #createalifeyoulovenow

Why Confidence Matters

I was judging myself for this photo and I was going to retake it before posting it to promote my Coffee Connections - In Person Meetup last week.

Spot the imperfection.

Right? Which one? Or what imperfection? It's all a matter of perspective, but your perspective matters because it's yours. It's the one you're living from.

For me, it was the lipstick on the mug. I didn't notice it until I'd opened the pic on my bigger desk monitor. I noticed my Inner Critic jump online and get to work, but I called its BS.

Lipstick on my mug makes this not good enough? Nonsense.Thanks for trying to protect me, but you're not needed now. I'm practicing embracing imperfection and showing up imperfectly, so this time, take the backseat because I'm driving.

This is the #Confidence piece of Radiant Happiness: 3 Keys to Cultivate Clarity, Confidence, & Calm - A Free Masterclass that's coming up on Monday.

See, we can get clear on what we want life to look and feel like, but if we don't have the confidence, the deep inner belief, and trust in ourselves, then we won't be able to turn that vision into our reality. We have to learn how to tame our inner critic and get it working with us instead of against us.

It might seem trivial, but if we’re walking around allowing that overprotective bully to run the show we are missing out on so many opportunities! We’re not even aware of what we’re missing because we’re just avoiding anything that strikes the slightest fear or discomfort into our hearts. But it’s facing fear and being willing to get uncomfortable that helps us create our happiest, most radiant lives.

On Monday at 6pm EST, we’re going to meet that pesky, critical voice. We’ll courageously face it together, learn how it’s trying to help us and why it can hurt so much, and then we’ll learn a practice to help get it supporting us instead of sabotaging us. All we really have to do is get to know it.

Have you registered yet? Be sure to click through the Event Details to the Registration Link to make it official or DM me. You deserve to love yourself and your life!!

Did you miss it? Reach out for a complimentary coaching session to get you on your pathway to happiness!

Is Life Feeling "Meh," Lately?

Is life feeling a little dull lately? A little "meh?" Like you're living in black and white and the color has seeped out of your experience?

I can remember a time when I thought, "Isn't there supposed to be more to life?"
When we're just schlepping our way through every day, just getting through, it doesn't feel good.

The heavy stuff feels heavier. Harder. Sadder. And maybe you're sick of it, like I was. And maybe, you're not. Maybe you'd just rather stay there in your own misery than do anything about it. Change is hard, I get it. And changing our own thoughts and behaviors is required if we want the world around us to change.

You can't just keep "getting through the day," every day until you die. Or, you can. But I know that there's a different way. One small, baby-step-of-a-change each day can lead to the colors returning to life. More moments of joy, fewer moments of pain. Deeper breaths, a little more ease, a sense of connection to Life again... it's possible for you. If you want to find out how. Send me a message. Let's chat. Or, register now for my free Masterclass, this Friday at 5pm EST, From Struggle to Serenity. Find out more here.

#wellbeing #coaching #lessstress #moreease#createalifeyoulove

The Gift of Authentic Happiness is Yours!

This week I hosted a free, virtual, 2-hour Masterclass on Authentic Happiness - Creating Greater Happiness from the Inside Out. It was fun, people interacted, laughed, smiled, and left feeling happier than they did when we started.

I’m so lucky and grateful that I get live this life. I feel on fire almost every single day and when I don’t, it’s because it’s time to rest and renew. I get to, not only live on purpose, but work my purpose. This isn’t the case for everyone, but what is true for everyone is that you can cultivate more purpose and meaning in your life, so that it feels more lit up and happy.

I’m gifting this Masterclass to anyone motivated enough to watch it this week. I’ll keep it up through Saturday or Sunday, and then down it comes.

Then, I invite you to book a free call with me - and you can book before you watch it if you know in your heart it’s time for you to take action and create a life you love, now. Click here to schedule your Pathway to Happiness call where we’ll identify your biggest block and your most efficient path toward greater happiness. You deserve it. It’s possible. Give yourself the gift of 30 focused minutes with me to get you on your way with simple, effective steps that, when used, will begin to make a difference in your life immediately.

I’m so excited to hear from you after you watch the class and book your call, so be sure to comment or reach out directly. And feel free to share this with someone who could benefit. We’ll create a better world together, one happier person at a time.

Attention Overwhelmed and Unhappy People!

Are you feeling unhappy and overwhelmed? You want to love life, but there’s too much stress and too many people who are asking for more each and every day?

We all want to be happier and did you know that greater happiness doesn’t just feel better, but that happier people actually sleep better, live an average of 9-years longer, and make around a million dollars more over the course of their lifetime than their unhappier counterparts? 

Unhappiness is an epidemic, but the good news is that science has actually cracked the happiness code and so have I! We now know what it takes to be happier and I’ve supported hundreds of people using this process to cultivate lasting happiness in their lives and I want to share it with you. 

Our happiness impacts every aspect of our lives!Imagine what your life will feel like when you feel better in your body, you’re more purposeful  in your work, and you’re enjoying deeper, more fulfilling relationships? 

Ready for greater happiness? Register here: https://tinyurl.com/AuthenticHappiness2023

In this free Masterclass - Authentic Happiness - 3 Keys to Creating Greater Happiness from the Inside Out! I’ll share the structure that I’ve created, used for myself to move from misery to being one of the happiest people I know, and that I’ve utilized to coach hundreds of people into greater happiness. You’ll

  • Lay the foundation for authentic happiness,

  • Rediscover what makes you feel alive, and

  • Practice strategies to teach you your full body aligned 'yes' and 'no'

    so that you can start to fall in love with your life.

    Register now to attend:

    Register to attend:
    *** You must click the link to register to attend, in advance! Be sure to register through the link today!

Practical Happiness - 3 Keys to Easily Lower Your Stress & Up-Level Your Joy! (Replay) A Free Masterclass!

Yesterday, I hosted a free, 90-minute Masterclass and it was so much fun and jam-packed with value, that I’m offering the replay free for the entire month of December. At first, I was only going to share it for the weekend, but now, more than ever, we need the skills of happiness.

That’s why I call it “Practical Happiness.” It’s all about practicing skills until they become habits and then our way of being - which we requires that we continue to practice.

So, as my gift to you, please enjoy this Masterclass. I would be grateful if you’d like and share it, and even subscribe to my YouTube Channels for more fun conversations and encouragement.

My podcast can be found here and my personal channel here.

Free, Virtual Masterclass with Tamara Zoner.

After you’ve watched it, share your biggest takeaway! Then, if you’re ready to up-level your life, join me on the Deep Dive!