Bite-Sized Chunks of Self-Care

My 8-year-old daughter was administering personality quizzes to everyone in the house yesterday. She asked me, "Are you a social person?" Before I could answer, the other 4 people in the house all shouted an emphatic, "Yes!"

Yes,  I love a good party. I love to connect with people. I thrive in social environments and on the flip-side, I require massive amounts of solitude. My own self-care routines keep me sane. They keep me being a person that I like very much, a mom whom I like and respect. Without it, I get downright grumpy and honestly, even a little mean. 

I hear so many women say they don't have time for themselves. Baloney, I say. We all have the same amount of time in a day, it's how we use it that counts. It's paramount to honor yourself, to love yourself through action, not just thought. 

For almost a week now, I've had my usual abundant "me-time" thrown under the bus of sick kids. So,  how do I, and how can you, keep yourself a priority when you have little ones or sick kids demanding most of your time?  In bite-sized chunks. 

I normally take 30 minutes to an hour on each end of the day to myself. Yoga and meditation in the morning, journaling and meditation at night. During the day, I take a coffee break. I'm alone most of the day, but my coffee break is pretty sacred. 5-minutes during which I don't have to do anything. I can just sit and be.

This week, it's all bite-sized chunks. 5-minutes to stretch upon waking, or right after attending to the child who woke me up with sounds of sickness, you know the kind. 

5-minutes once they're settled to enjoy the coffee that probably won't lift the fatigue of a night of broken sleep. Still, I love the taste of that peppermint mocha. And the silence. 

5-minutes to step outside and breathe-in the hold that Winter still has over Spring here in Michigan. 

5-minutes to read and share a few inspirational posts on Facebook or Twitter

5-minutes at a time writing until this post is finished. I relish the brief moments uninterrupted by the need to comfort a child, sick at or on the toilet.

5-minutes to put on some eyes and lips to wake-up this sleepy, un-showered face. The transformation is a meditation in and of itself. 

5-minutes to get on my attitude of gratitude. These flu-type illnesses pass. They go away and we are lucky. My children are, overall, incredibly healthy. 

5-minutes to mindfully eat my food. I must nourish myself to be able to care for my child.

5-minutes to empty my mind and release, release, release. 

Sometimes these chunks of me-time last only a minute or two and that is enough. Enough to treat myself with loving kindness so that I have loving kindness to give back to my family. Enough to stay centered and grounded so I don't get overwhelmed with self-pity at my lack of sleep, solitude or the ability to get anything done. Enough to show the Universe that I value myself and therefore receive value from the Universe in return. 

Here's an old Monday Minute to remind you why self-care is so important, even in bite-sized chunks. 


Thank you for spending a few minutes of your precious time with me. How do you care for yourself when time is short? Share in the comments below or join the conversation on Facebook

Connecting with Source through Movement

Do you feel disconnected? Disjointed? Unable to focus and achieve peace of mind and calmness of the body? Are your moods up and down and left and right? Do you find yourself snapping at others and feeling tired?

Among everything else that contributes to those feelings, you're probably experiencing a disconnect in your relationship with Source. Source, Source Energy, God, the Unified Field, the Universe... these are all different ways of calling the same thing - that which is all... all things, all life, all energy. 

A "Passion" that comes up for many clients is this desire to have a deeper relationship or connection with God. We want this because we want, more than anything, to feel good.

You can pray more, you can read the bible or other religious text, or a deeply moving devotional, or you can move. For me, my connection with Source Energy is strongest when I turn inward and flow through movement. 

If you want to have a deeper connection to Spirit, you have to move your body.

Your body is the package in which your spirit has chosen to manifest in this incarnation of itself. Your body is the house of your spirit, the house of your soul and the house of God, because God-energy flows within and throughout us. 

Cherish the house of your soul. Care for it, love it, and when you want to hear the voice of God clearly, move your body to silence your mind. 

My favorite way to do this is through a slow-flowing yoga with beautiful music in the background, or Kundalini Yoga - an intense form of yogic meditation. "Yoga" in Sanskrit actually means "union." Some sources translate it as a "union with the divine," and this is exactly what it feels like for me. 

How about you? Do you meditate to achieve a deeper connection with Source? Or are you still in the "thinking about it" phase? Wherever you are, it is exactly where you are meant to be. Please, share your thoughts and comment below.