Pushing Buttons


I never imagined myself to be one who pushes other people's buttons. I'm a middle child, a peacekeeper. I'm moderate everything. I see the gray, rarely the black or the white. I want happiness for all and frequently wonder why it's so hard for people to see both sides or to simply get along. 

Then recently, I noticed that I give a little push. I hear or see the words of those lost in victimhood. They don't even notice it. They say things like, "This always happens to me," or "Story of my life..." and I say, "Oh, no wonder." And then I find myself pushing. Gently, lovingly, but pushing, nevertheless. Mirroring their words back to them so that they can see what they are creating. Some see it. Some don't. But regardless, I willingly reach out and push. 

Few of us know exactly why we're here on this Earth. That existential question plagues so many of us. I am grateful to know exactly why I am here. I am a button pusher. The button? Its label reads, "Growth." 

Why are you here? Need help discovering it? Take the Passion Test with me. It's so much more than you think. 

Your Monday Minute - Courageous New Year

Happy New Year and welcome to the first edition of Your Monday Minute for 2015! This year I've decided to completely throw out resolutions and go with a theme for my new year instead. My theme is Courageous Rebirth! 

So much has changed for me over the last couple of years and dramatically this past year as I fully embraced loving myself and boldly embraced my passions - the things (material or non-material) that matter the most to me. I feel like a butterfly emerging from the Chrysalis. All of this transformation can be a little scary and a lot of stuff comes up each time I move forward along my path. 


As I tell my kids, fear is a product of our imaginations and we can choose to use it for good or for bad (evil sounds far too dramatic)! Which supports you? If we use it for good, we are courageous. Having courage or being courageous doesn't mean we have erased the fear, it simply means we power through it! We do "it" anyway. 

I'm scared of a whole bunch of things - what if I fail as a coach, what if I can't support my kids, what if I'm not really good at this? All of those fears, or limiting beliefs, come from old stories and old programming. Courage is required to bust through those blocks and be who I truly am and do what I'm here on this earth to do!!! Which is to help you to do the same.

Have courage!!! What is it you're afraid of? I've got your back. 

I've shared my theme for 2015, now it's your turn! What is your theme? Please share it in the comments below so that everyone who reads it can support you. You matter!!! 

Your Monday Minute - Self Love in 3 Simple Steps

Love, self-love, is my religion

Love, self-love, is my religion

Your level of success in life stems entirely from your level of self-love. "Success" is a word that is completely objective, by the way. To me, a successful life is where you feel good most of the time, you are happy and experiencing love, joy, fulfillment and an overall sense of well-being. 

Many of us settle for happiness in one area of our lives at the cost of another - a successful career at the expense of a happy home-life or vice-versa. When you practice self-love, success naturally follows in all areas of your life because you don't even know how to settle for less. 

This doesn't mean you won't hit bumps in the road of life, but with a deep sense of love for yourself, you'll recover from them faster and more easily. 

Because we've been conditioned to believe that loving ourselves is narcissistic and selfish, many of us don't even know how to do it. But don't worry, I'm here to help. Find out the 3 keys to beginning your practice of self-love in today's Your Monday Minute! 

Self-love is the pillar to a successful life, so why is it that so many of us don't know how to do it? Start your self-love practice with three easy steps!

Welcome to my New Website!

For the past few weeks, my affirmativethought.com website has been off-kilter. I'm a creative, not a technical type, so since I was busy with other things, I just let the weirdness that was happening go for a few days. Before I had to bother with support, I was able to log in and update as usual. 

Little did I know, I had been hacked. No matter what I tried, I could not restore my site back before changes were made (that redirected mobile users to a decidedly naughty website), so I decided it was a sign to start fresh! So, here we are. The new site will allow me more flexibility to grow and for you to grow with me. 

I am here to serve women - we are the foundation of our families. So, by extension, I want to serve couples and families as well. The site is currently a work-in-progress, like we all are! It should be fully updated by mid-October, so watch for expanding services as I step more deeply into coaching services with a greater emphasis on couples, families and spirituality. 

Monday Minutes will continue to be a staple, as I believe there may be no greater thing than for women to truly love and embrace who they are and recognize how much they matter. By taking the very best care of yourself, you take better care of the people you care for and about. 

Let us be a living demonstration of love and together, forge a happier world. I love you!