From Stuck and Sad to Fulfilled and Joyful! Creating A Life I Love (and you can, too!)

9 Years ago today, I woke up in Oslo, Norway, ready to begin a training that would change the course of my entire life.

At the time, I had given up trying to make my marriage work (I had already tried everything). Instead, I was trying to figure out how to find myself again. I was so lost in the years of giving away my voice for my then-husband's comfort, trying everything to please him and be a "good wife." I barely knew who I was anymore, but I knew that I wanted be a better mom than I was being and I wanted to feel happy again. I wanted to feel at peace with where I was in my life and to stop wishing for it to be different.

The day I woke up in Oslo, divorce still wasn't an option in my mind. My family was my priority, or so I thought.

Over the course of 4 long, intense days of deep inner work with the love and accountability of Janet Attwood herself (creator of The Passion Test) and her amazing trainers, my heart broke free. My soul started singing again. My stuck mindset began to shift and I tapped into my dreams of what I wanted for my life again. My life. Not my husband's. Mine. 🫶 There I was.

My #1 Passion became "I am living authentically from my heart and soul." I learned the formula to make that a reality and the secret that guaranteed it and I began to live it. No more lying to myself. No more Stepford Wife to make sure my husband didn't get mad at me for being me. No more. I had felt the spark of my authentic self once again, for the first time in so many years, and I was never going to let it fade out again. I still haven't. 💖

Another passion, though I can't recall where it fell in my top 5, was "I am experiencing a happy, harmonious family life." I wasn't considering divorce yet, but I also wasn't making it about my husband or my marriage, specifically. One of my markers for that passion was that I "speak with loving kindness to my children," and that I hear them laughing and playing respectfully together all of the time. They were little at the time - just 8, 7, and 4.

➡️Fast forward to last night - I'm happily divorced and even more happily partnered with an incredible man who loves me for exactly who I am. He's still in Florida, where we recently took an amazing vacation together. My kids and I were having dinner together in our beautiful home. I felt my heart growing in my chest, bursting with love and gratitude as I watched them interacting, talking, laughing together, with respect. With kindness. My 3 teenagers do not fight. My kids haven't fought with each other for years. Once I began modeling calm, respectful, loving tones and behaviors, my kids reflected it, too. We have a beautifully happy and harmonious family life today (with the realistic challenges and struggles that teens dealing with anxiety, gender identity, and puberty along with the good stuff).

⚡️Every single year, sometimes twice, I make a new list of passions and continually align my life with what matters the most to me, now. Every single year, my life gets more and more beautiful from the inside out. Every single year, I am more *me* than ever and I love and respect the woman that I am. The beautiful parts, the raw parts, the clumsy parts, the fun parts... all of me. I love all of me and all of my life because I embrace it all and continually choose in favor of my ideal life, loving where I'm at and growing and moving toward what more I want.

🙏Every single year, I take dozens of people through the Passion Test and help them design a life of intention, consciously creating what they want to experience in their lives. Every year, I get to watch those clients soar - transforming their relationships (especially with themselves) and their entire experience from one they thought they "had to deal with" into one that is fulfilling and joyful.

If you're tired, so tired like I was, of faking it, The Passion Test might be your pathway home to yourself. If you feel like you just have to "get through" another day, like I did, I promise you there is more in life for you. Are you ready to explore what's possible for you? Message me. Let's chat. If it's possible for me, it's possible for you. You're worthy and deserving of a life you love, now. 💗

#createalifeyoulove #selfrespect #selflove #wellbeing #happiness #purposefullife #clarity #thepassiontest

Pushing Buttons

I never imagined myself to be one who pushes other people's buttons. I'm a middle child, a peacekeeper. I'm moderate everything. I see the gray, rarely the black or the white. I want happiness for all and frequently wonder why it's so hard for people to see both sides or to simply get along. 

Then recently, I noticed that I give a little push. I hear or see the words of those lost in victimhood. They don't even notice it. They say things like, "This always happens to me," or "Story of my life..." and I say, "Oh, no wonder." And then I find myself pushing. Gently, lovingly, but pushing, nevertheless. Mirroring their words back to them so that they can see what they are creating. Some see it. Some don't. But regardless, I willingly reach out and push. 

Few of us know exactly why we're here on this Earth. That existential question plagues so many of us. I am grateful to know exactly why I am here. I am a button pusher. The button? Its label reads, "Growth." 

Why are you here? Need help discovering it? Take the Passion Test with me. It's so much more than you think. 

The Passion Test - Scam or Treasure Map?

The other day someone very close and important to me voiced their opinion that what I do, giving The Passion Test, is a scam. "Who would pay $300 to find out what their Passion is?" 

First of all, I don't charge quite that much. Yet.

Second of all, it's a great question, isn't it? My Ego stood up straight and stomped its feet for a few minutes, but once I breathed into it, I was grateful for the opportunity to consider the answer, to find the gift

Who would pay to learn their Passions?

I let my mind drift and flow through the river of my thoughts and  wondered, is that really what people are paying for? 

Absolutely not. No one is coming to me just for the answer to what lights their fire. Deep in their hearts, they know what matters and they know they aren't living in a way that honors themselves. They feel discord in their lives and they want harmony. People come to me to find their voice, to see an example of courageous living, to see proof that it can be done.  What they are paying for, what they really want to know is, "How can I feel alive again?" 

How can I feel? How can I return to my essence after a lifetime of programming to live from the outer as opposed to the inner? How can I reunite with that state of wonder and joy that I came into this physical form experiencing? Who will give me permission to do so? 

I will. I give you permission. I am a light that reflects yours - the one you can no longer see, yet you feel is there somewhere. This is my gift. To help you see yours and only if you want to. I help you to acknowledge and allow into your life a feeling of happiness. I help you allow the awareness that it's ok to be happy, even when life isn't perfect. The awareness that it is ok to be happy, even when others around you aren't. The awareness that you are not your story. The confirmation that life is meant to be lived joyfully.

People are paying for directions to their ideal life, to joyful living. You buy a map or a GPS to help you navigate from your house to your vacation rental or from the countryside to the big city. It's the same, only this destination is much more important. People are paying for The Passion Test because it teaches them how to navigate their lives in a more joyful, purposeful and fulfilling way. 

If that doesn't resonate with you, that's cool. You're not my client. You're not going to pay me a thing. If it does resonate with you, if you value living a joyful, positive life in word and action, then it only takes a phone call or a message to become my client. 

Someone I love doesn't value what I do and that's ok. Because of The Passion Test and other tools that I've used along my way, I don't require the approval of others to feel good about myself or what I do. I value me. I value my work. I value you. Do you? 

Your Monday Minute - The Formula for Creating a Life You Love!

I made a beautiful meal the other night. I had an idea that I wanted Beef Stir-fry, so in my mind I created the recipe. I need a recipe for basically anything I cook, even if the recipe is very basic. The more detailed the recipe, the more likely it is to turn out just the way that I want in the end. 

The Passion Test Formula is a recipe for life - the recipe for a life you love living; meaningful, fulfilling and joyful. Today, in Your Monday Minute, I'm telling you all about the first step of that formula: Intention. Watch the video and then read on to learn more!

Now you know the first step! You might think it sounds easy. I say that people are always surprised at what ends up in their list of top 5 Passions because it's true. You may have an idea of what is important to you and that's good! It's the process of the "test" that gets you crystal clear on what matters the most, or defines your "ingredients" to keep with my recipe metaphor.

Once we have our top 5 Passions, or "Intentions," (the ingredients!) then we can move on to the next step, which we'll do next week. In the meantime, would you like to know a few of my current top 5? They involve you! 

My current #1 Passion is to feel fully, freely and authentically me! Through the use of "markers" I delve deeper and more specifically into what that means to me. Clarity is vital to making this recipe work. After all, if we don't know what ginger looks like, how can we put it in the pot? 

My current #3 Passion is to be enjoying uplifting, open and joyful relationships! This Passion is scoring very high at the moment. I have the most beautiful, amazing, incredible friends and family. My heart soars frequently. 

Passion #4 is to impact and inspire massive numbers of others to live a passionate, authentic life. Living this way is such a gift that I want to give it away to everyone! 

Come back next week to learn the second step to creating a life that you absolutely love to live. I am walking, talking proof that it works. I love you! You matter!!!