How to Be A Little Better Every Day - with Zach & Jeremy from The Fit Mess Podcast

I had the best conversation with Zach Tucker & Jeremy Grater from The Fit Mess Podcast a few weeks ago. Some people think fitness comes easy, but it takes effort and dedication. These two inspired me with their ways of looking at life, exercise, and how to harness motivation and make it work for you.

I know you’ll enjoy this episode as much as I did and I’d love to hear (read!) your thoughts.

#podcast #authenticconversations #fitness #motivation #mentalhealth #awareness #consciousliving #wellbeing #wellness #createalifeyoulove

Attention Overwhelmed and Unhappy People!

Are you feeling unhappy and overwhelmed? You want to love life, but there’s too much stress and too many people who are asking for more each and every day?

We all want to be happier and did you know that greater happiness doesn’t just feel better, but that happier people actually sleep better, live an average of 9-years longer, and make around a million dollars more over the course of their lifetime than their unhappier counterparts? 

Unhappiness is an epidemic, but the good news is that science has actually cracked the happiness code and so have I! We now know what it takes to be happier and I’ve supported hundreds of people using this process to cultivate lasting happiness in their lives and I want to share it with you. 

Our happiness impacts every aspect of our lives!Imagine what your life will feel like when you feel better in your body, you’re more purposeful  in your work, and you’re enjoying deeper, more fulfilling relationships? 

Ready for greater happiness? Register here:

In this free Masterclass - Authentic Happiness - 3 Keys to Creating Greater Happiness from the Inside Out! I’ll share the structure that I’ve created, used for myself to move from misery to being one of the happiest people I know, and that I’ve utilized to coach hundreds of people into greater happiness. You’ll

  • Lay the foundation for authentic happiness,

  • Rediscover what makes you feel alive, and

  • Practice strategies to teach you your full body aligned 'yes' and 'no'

    so that you can start to fall in love with your life.

    Register now to attend:

    Register to attend:
    *** You must click the link to register to attend, in advance! Be sure to register through the link today!

The Question of the Month


I have decided to take a short break from Your Monday Minute as I put my attention on learning the ins and outs of my business, and myself, for the next 8 weeks in Marie Forleo's B-school. Even though I won't be appearing in video on a weekly basis (though you may get a few, just because I love you so much), I intend (intention!) to write here on the blog more frequently. 

Writing is the way I process. Writing is meditation. Writing is how I explore within. 

I'm exploring the concept of authenticity at the moment, to find the greater truth of what being authentic means to me, so I can show up authentically for you. 

A couple of years ago, to me, the word "authentic" merely applied to things, not people. And it doesn't just mean, "I am who I am and you can all just.." you know the rest. It is more than that. It is showing up in the world speaking your truth, growing into that truth and doing so in the energy of love. 

Today, this word is paramount to my entire existence. Purpose... Meaning... Authentically bringing those things to life passionately within myself to be a light for you to do the same is why I am here. Yes, I believe in purpose. I believe everyone has a life-purpose. For some, the purpose is only to live and experience and learn in preparation for the next life. Their next life.

For others, much of the learning has already been done and they are here to teach, to guide, to reflect, to love, to light the way. 

Word Origin: Authentic
from Late Latin authenticus coming from the author, from Greekauthentikos, from authentēs one who acts independently, from auto- +hentēs a doer

So this month, I'm asking the question, "Who am I?"  Who am I when I am my authentic self? What does "authentic" look like to me. How do I show up in the world and to the world when I am being and feeling, fully, freely and authentically me? From The Passion Test:

When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent that you are clear.

Who are you? What does being authentic mean to you? Please share in the comments below. I appreciate multiple sources for any endeavor into deeper knowledge.  

Authentic Choices

Lately, I've been struggling with a choice. There is so much to consider and as big decisions tend to do, whatever I decide will effect more than just me. 

So, how do you make a choice? Do you stay in your head, weigh the pros and cons and think through your decision? I used to do that, too. Over the past few years, however, as I delve deeper into my spiritual practice, The Passion Test and meditation, I've begun using my heart as my guide. 

Some call this intuition. I am one of the some. But it is even more than intuition - it is concrete knowledge which exists both outside of and within ourselves.

Everything in the world, when broken down into its smallest form, is energy - even thoughts. Therefore, all of the knowledge I require to make a choice resides in the unified energy field, the Universe. God. The divine holds the key and the divine resides within us and all around us. 

Because of this divine and dynamic connection, when we make a choice through the use of meditation to allow ourselves to hear our inner voice, the choice is right for everyone involved. 

When you connect with that space within a choice so that it is authentically and lovingly the pure right decision for you, it is by natural extension right for all of those in your life who are effected by that choice. 

It is impossible for it to be a bad or wrong choice for anyone involved. The lessons that will be learned are what we are meant to learn to become more of who we are meant to be in this life.

Once one accepts this truth, the burden of making the "right" choice is lifted. All that is left is to connect to the divine, willingly accept the answer that comes through and take the next step. 

Are you struggling to make a decision in your life? Share it with us. Sometimes writing allows your mind to rest and lets your heart speak your voice. Leave a comment or share this post with my thanks.